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What is Manifest it! - Our Story: The Walk

So I know what you're thinking.. What is Manifest it! and why should I even care?.. We're glad you asked..

[The lights dim as the bartone bass of a man's voice over the loudspeaker warms the room]

A man, no different from yourself, physically constricted by the turmoil of the ever-so prevalent enemies of Happiness: 

Anxiety and Depression. 

At times the poor man lay immobile on the weathered couch of his therapists as he reads over this week's episodes of anxiety, slowly reliving the traumatic events. He leaves the session somewhat relieved but still to no avail, he knows that Anxiety is creeping in the shadows.

Then one day as he is walking in the woods on a beautiful spring day, he is shot with jolt of energy- immediate inspiration simultaneously he hears a voice. "Manifest it!" - He searches high and low for the source. A sense of calm fills his body as his shoulders lower and his mind becomes clear. Manifest it! Manifest it! - the mantra sticks and he continues his walk with a rejuvinated sense of self-assurance, confidence and focus.

We're not here to tell you what Manifest it! means because we would NEVER take the freedom to define such a beautiful phrase from our loyal customers. 

What follows is a mere interpretation of the phrase:

  • A sense of calm in an environment of chaos.
  • The strength to overcome when faced with adversity.
  • The energy to prosper: not only our right but our obligation to society
  • Commitment to spread good energy wherever we go.

We want to hear from YOU! 

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